Back to School: Don’t forget the Eye Check!

PediatricEyeCareWith school back in full swing, Precision Family Eye Care and the Eye to the Future blog want to take a moment this week to impress upon all parents the importance of getting routine vision exams for all school age children.

School and Pediatrician screenings are simply not adequate, and unlike adults, children can’t articulate their vision problems because they don’t understand that the way they see the world isn’t “normal.”  Uncorrected prescription (like nearsighted, farsighted, and astigmatism) as well as eye alignment and focusing problems, and even ocular diseases can all inhibit the ability of your child to use their eyes properly.  This leads to disrupted vision and potentially vision threatening conditions being simply overlooked or even causing learning problems and leading to a diagnosis of LD (Learning Disorders), ADHD or even dyslexia.

The learning environment today is flush with visual tasks: smart boards, iPads, digital learning, computer work, homework, test taking, etc.  It shouldn’t surprise us then, that learning experts estimate that roughly 80% of all learning is dependent upon the sense of sight and unfortunately, at least 25% of school aged children have a visual impairment that may prevent a child from reaching their full academic potential.

Please make sure that your child has the proper tools for academic success this year by scheduling a comprehensive exam with your eye doctor today!